Le bozze dei topic della call Factories of the Future 2016-2017 sono state da poco pubblicate online nell’ambito della pre-pubblicazione da parte della Commissione europea della bozza dei Work Programme dei Horizon 2020.
Il budget indicativo per la call 2016 è di 160 milioni di euro. Come negli anni precedenti, gli argomenti della call si basano sulle priorità di ricerca ed innovazione dell’agenda strategica di ricerca: Factories of the Future 2020. I topic 2016 saranno presentati in modo dettagliato dalla Commissione europea durante l’info day Factories of the Future PPP che si svolgerà a Bruxelles il prossimo 16 ottobre.
I topic per la call Factories of the Future 2016-2017 sono i seguenti:
- FoF-01-2016: Novel hybrid approaches for additive and subtractive manufacturing machines
- FoF-02-2016: Machinery and robot systems in dynamic shop floor environments using novel embedded cognitive functions
- FoF-03-2016: Zero-defect strategies at system level for multi-stage manufacturing in production lines
- FoF-04-2016: Continuous adaptation of work environments with changing levels of automation in evolving production systems
- FoF-05-2016: Support for the further development of Additive Manufacturing technologies in Europe
- FoF-06-2017: New product functionalities through advanced surface manufacturing processes for mass production
- FoF-07-2017: Integration of unconventional technologies for multi-material processing into manufacturing systems
- FoF-08-2017: In-line measurement and control for micro-/nano-enabled high-volume manufacturing for enhanced reliability
- FoF-09-2017: Novel design and predictive maintenance technologies for increased operating life of production systems
- FoF-10-2017: New technologies and life cycle management for reconfigurable and reusable customised products
- FoF-11-2016: Digital automation
- FoF-12-2017: ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS)
- FoF-13-2016: Photonics Laser-based production.
L’adozione e la pubblicazione del work programme da parte della Commissione sono attesi a metà ottobre 2015. Solo il programma di lavoro adottato avrà valore legale.
Fonte: www.effra.eu