Finanziamenti europei con i bandi Horizon 2020: le call per Competitive Low-Carbon Energy

Pubblicato il 29 settembre 2016 · Programma Horizon 2020

L’INEA (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency) ha ricevuta 24 proposte di progetto entro la deadline del 08/09/2016 nell’ambito della call di Horizon 2020 per Competitive Low-Carbon Energy, richiedendo 272,5 milioni di euro in finanziamenti europei. Il budget totale disponibile per i 6 topic è di 85 milioni di euro. La valutazione delle proposte partirà agli inizi di ottobre. Sono disponibili 80 milioni per finanziamenti a progetti incentrati sui seguenti 5 topic:

horizon 2020

  • LCE-09-2016: Increasing the competitiveness of the EU PV manufacturing industry (6 proposals);
  • LCE-13-2016: Solutions for reduced maintenance, increased reliability and extended life-time of off-shore wind turbines/farms (5 proposals);
  • LCE-15-2016: Scaling up in the ocean energy sector to arrays (6 proposals);
  • LCE-19-2016-2017: Demonstration of the most promising advanced biofuel pathways (5 proposals);
  • LCE-20-2016-2017: Enabling pre-commercial production of advanced aviation biofuel (1 proposal).

Il topic LCE-22-2016: International Cooperation with Brazil on advanced lignocellulosic biofuels ha un budget di 5 milioni di euro. I partecipanti riceveranno i risultati della valutazione al più tardi entro l’8 febbraio 2017. I topic per i quali è ancora possibile sottomettere sono i seguenti:

  • LCE-01-2016-2017: Next generation innovative technologies enabling smart grids, storage and energy system integration with increasing share of renewables: distribution network;
  • LCE-04-2017: Demonstration of system integration with smart transmission grid and storage technologies with increasing share of renewables;
  • LCE-05-2017: Tools and technologies for coordination and integration of the European energy system;
  • LCE-06-2017: New knowledge and technologies;
  • LCE-07-2016-2017: Developing the next generation technologies of renewable electricity and heating/cooling;
  • LCE-08-2016-2017: Development of next generation biofuel technologies;
  • LCE-21-2017: Market uptake of renewable energy technologies;
  • LCE-27-2017: Measuring, monitoring and controlling the potential risks of subsurface operations related to CCS and unconventional hydrocarbons;
  • LCE-28-2017: Highly flexible and efficient fossil fuel power plants;
  • LCE-29-2017: CCS in industry, including Bio-CCS;
  • LCE-30-2017: Geological storage pilots;
  • LCE-31-2016-2017: Social Sciences and Humanities Support for the Energy Union;
  • LCE-35-2017: Joint Actions to foster innovative energy solutions in renewable energy technologies;
  • LCE-36-2016-2017: Support to the energy stakeholders to contribute to the SET-Plan;
  • LCE-37-2017: ERA-NET Co-Fund Enhanced cooperation in Smart Local and Regional Energy Networks of the European Energy System.

Fonte: Commissione Europea





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