Horizon 2020: nuovo round di call per proposte di progetto in ambito ambiente, clima ed economia circolare

Pubblicato il 23 novembre 2016 · Programma Horizon 2020

In risposta a tre calls for proposals di Horizon 2020 chiuse lo scorso 8 marzo, la Commissione Europea ha selezionato, fra le 141 proposte sottomesse, 28 nuovi progetti in ambito Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials.

I nuovi progetti riceveranno contributi europei per circa 119,4 milioni di euro per attività di ricerca ed innovazione su economia circolare, servizi per il clima, soluzioni nature-based o raw materials. Più di 345 organizzazioni provenienti da 44 diversi paesi, tra cui 27 Stati membri dell’UE, saranno coinvolte nei nuovi progetti. Un nuovo round di calls for proposals è stato lanciato lo scorso 8 novembre.  

horizon 2020

Circular economy:

  • CIRC-01b-2017: Systemic services for the circular economy;
  • CIRC-02b-2017: Towards the next generation of water systems and services – large scale demonstration projects;
  • SC5-33-2017: Closing the water gap.

Climate services & decarbonisation:

  • SC5-01b-2017: From climate service concepts to piloting and proof-of-concept;
  • SC5-02-2017: Integrated European regional modelling and climate prediction system;
  • SC5-04-2017: Towards a robust and comprehensive greenhouse gas verification system;
  • SC5-06c-2017: The risks and costs of climate change for Europe;
  • SC5-07-2017: Coordinating and supporting research and innovation actions on the decarbonisation of the EU economy.

Cultural heritage for sustainable growth:

  • SC5-21b-2017: Heritage-led rural regeneration;
  • SC5-22-2017: Innovative financing, business and governance models for adaptive re-use of cultural heritage.

Nature-based solutions:

  • SCC-02b-2017: Nature-based solutions for inclusive urban regeneration;
  • SC5-08-2017: Large-scale demonstrators on nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk reduction;
  • SC5-32-2017: Biodiversity scenarios.

Raw materials:

  • SC5-13c-2017: New sensitive exploration technologies;
  • SC5-14b-2017: Processing of lower grade and/or complex primary and/or secondary raw materials in the most sustainable ways;
  • SC5-14c-2017: Sustainable metallurgical processes;
  • SC5-15b-2017: Good practice in waste collection systems.

 Fonte: European Commission




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